Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Rant about : Algebra 2

Hello again America. It's been a while, mainly from lack of interesting topics to rant about. For a while I tried to come up with something to hate on, with no avail. Lo and behold, it happened on a friday afternoon, in Algebra 2 class, sitting there, not understanding a thing, it hit me, Algrebra 2 is nothing more than a clever way to torture students. Yes, thats right ALGEBRA 2 SUCKS, and is highly illogical. I mean seriously, WHY is there an Algebra 1, and then Algebra 2. Can't they just put it together in to one convenient course entitled : Algebra?!?. That way, I don't have to hang my head in shame twice over failing algebra 1 and 2. Oh now some of you gifted one's out there may be saying "What the hell beeker, Algebra is easy, and so is Algebra 2.". Well let me tell you something, I am a writer! (and judging from my 112% grade in history a historian). I work with putting together words people, NOT numbers. Does this rant look like it's written in number?? NO it is not. And also, I beg to ask the question : WHAT HOW WILL WE USE ALGEBRA 2 IN OUR DAILY LIVES??. And you may reply "oh your going to need it to be an engineer, or __Insert high paying job here__". My response America : GET REAL! Seriously, do you honestly think Majority of kids in America today are going to amount to something? Sure, we have the aspirer's, and that's all well and fine, but as I said, most teenagers today will go on to : a. Join military or 2. Work entry level job's their entire life.... But all i'm really trying to say here is : Algebra 2 deserves to die in a slow, painful way, possibly involving fire....Hmm, is that a book burning bonfire I smell?