Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rant on writing, and ignorant students

You know, i've been thinking lately about my wanting to be an author. Well, I think it's every author's goal to, obviously, be successful, and have your work read by everyone. I also think every author wants to be remembered for their work, for years to come, if not decades, or hell even centuries. And yet, I can't help but notice that so many authors, though there works typically are good, are usually remembered for all the wrong reasons. Case in point : Literature taught in school. Most students these days look at a book and think "Oh, I HAVE to read it, screw that sparknotes" and they'll also curse the author for writing the book in the first place. No matter that it may be a damn good book that millions of people before enjoy, once one person condemns a book, it seems as if a ripple effect flows through the class and everyone thinks the books sucks because they just don't want to read. And this dear reader, is why I fear our future. Many students can't even read a damn book, how the hell can we trust them to run a country. Now, I know, I'm jumping the gun a little here. Majority of these students won't move past their low income entry level jobs, and won't amount to anything in life. And yet, its possible one can slip through the cracks, I mean look at a Mister George W. Bush. I guess, this is all more or less a roundabout way of saying, If my work ever becomes a classic, and you say I suck as an author without even reading my book, then Fuck you!

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